
Like Wordle, but you guess a sequence of numbers built from a formula

Here's how the game works


You are greeted with a screen like this


You type in your guesses and then press the check button on the bottom right


The different colors will tell you whether the correct answer is too high or too low or correct


In this case, the 3rd number was slightly low, the 4th was correct since it now appears in the sequence, and both the 5th and 6th numbers were much too high


Once again, the guesses are entered. All but the 5th number will be correct to show the gradient changing to reflect how close to correct it is


The color for the 5th number went from purple to green, now indicating that the answer is almost correct


The correct number is now entered and verified to be the correct answer


Once you enter the correct sequence, your stats will be shown along with a timer until the next mathle becomes available

About the developers

This game was made by a group of 4

Oran Shadian
Programmer, implemented sequence generation, input verification, logic for gradient
Dylan Soungpanya
Programmer, implemented stat tracking, daily lockout, stat screen UI
Bemister Tessema
Artist, designed, created, and implemented all art assets
Luis Garcia
Programmer, implemented game UI, audio effects, stat screen UI

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