Dice in the Wall!

Roll yourself and change lanes to match your value with the number shown to gain points.

Here's everything you need to know!


Your "value" is the number facing you. Rotate yourself with the WASD keys to change values.


You constantly gain points by surviving. Rotate yourself to match the tile and walk through to gain extra points.


Use the Q and E keys to change lanes to avoid obstacles and line up with tiles.


You have 3 lives to start. You lose 1 life by running into a tile with the incorrect value. The game ends at 0 lives.


Eventually obstacles start to appear which will immediately end the game if you run into them.


Enter a name and see where you placed on our global leaderboard. Try your best to beat the top score!

About the developers

This game was made by a group of 5

Oran Shadian
Gameplay programmer, implemented obstacle/point logic, flex
Dylan Soungpanya
Gameplay Programmer, worked on player such as movement/rotation
Bemister Tessema
Artist, created all assets and built the world (floating dice, curved floor effect)
Luis Garcia
Systems programmer, implemented UI components and leaderboard to keep track of scores globally
Johnson Nguyen
Sound Designer, created music and gathered audio assets

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